Department Staff
Mrs D. Gartland (Head of Department)
Mrs S. Molloy-Preedy
Miss A. Malone
Miss C. Kozlowski (Science Technician)
Mrs Z. Morgan (Science Technician)
Subject Information
Science is the study of the world around us and investigates how it works. All students study Science at St. Patrick’s College at both Key Stage 3 and 4 with the potential to also continue their studies to A Level.
Curriculum Information
Key Stage 3 (GCSE)
Students study three 50 minute periods of Science at Key Stage 3. The three disciplines of Science are covered, which include Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Students learn to develop their investigative skills through practical work in each of these areas. Topics studied include, Safety and skills in Science, Earth and Space, Human anatomy, The Periodic table, Light and Sound, Disease, Energy, Forces and electricity, the World around us and many more. The aim of the Key Stage 3 programme is to interest and inspire students through engaging, hands-on learning and build the foundations for Key Stage 4.
Key Stage 4 (GCSE/OCN)
Science at St. Patrick’s College is a compulsory subject and students have three pathways:
CCEA Single Award Science
CCEA Double Award Science
OCN Science
For those students who wish to continue to study a Science subject at A Level, Double Award Science must be chosen.
Each of the Science subjects consist of modular examinations and have weightings as follows:
Single Award:
Biology Unit 1
External written examination Foundation and Higher Tiers: 1 hour Students answer compulsory structured questions that include short responses, extended writing and calculations.
February of Year 11
Chemistry Unit 2
External written examination Foundation and Higher Tiers: 1 hour Students answer compulsory structured questions that include short responses, extended writing and calculations.
November of Year 12
Physics Unit 3
External written examination Foundation and Higher Tiers: 1 hour Students answer compulsory structured questions that include short responses, extended writing and calculations.
June of Year 12
Practical Skills Unit 4
Two practical booklets (A and B)
Booklet A assesses practical skills.
Booklet B is an external written examination
Booklet A: 7.5%
Booklet B: 17.5%
June of Year 12
Double Award
Year 11:
Biology B1, Chemistry C1 and Physics P1
Each of B1, C1 and P1 consist of external written examinations
Each modular examination is 11%
Year 11 exam total: 33%
Biology: November
Chemistry: February
Physics: May
Year 12:
Biology B2, Chemistry C2, Physics P2
External written examinations.
Each modular examination is 14%
Year 12 exam total: 44%
June of Year 12 only
Unit 7 Practical Skills
Three booklet A Prescribed Practical Activities
Three Externally Assessed booklet B examinations
Booklet A total: 7.5%
Booklet B total: 17.5%
Unit 7 total: 25%
OCN Science
The OCN NI Level 2 Certificate and Level 2 Extended Certificate in Applied Science qualifications will provide learners with the opportunity to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in a range of key concepts within Biology, Chemistry and Physics and builds upon the Key Stage 3 science curriculum. This is a portfolio based vocational pathway with no final written examination.
Key Stage 5 (GCE/A-Level)
Students who study Double Award Science at KS4 may choose to study Biology at A Level.
The Aims of the Biology A Level is to develop interest in and enthusiasm for biology, including developing an interest in further study and careers in the subject, to develop competence and confidence in a number of skills, including independent learning, creative thinking, practical, mathematical and problem-solving.
AS (Year 13)
External written examination 1 hour 30 mins Students answer six to eight structured questions and write an essay.
External written examination assessing practical skills
A2 (Year 14)
A2 1
A2 2
A2 3
External written examination 2 hours 15 mins Students answer six to nine structured questions and write an essay.
External written examination assessing practical skills 1 hour 15 mins
Medicine, Veterinary Science, Dentistry, Research Scientist, Dietician, Physiotherapist, Radiographer, Midwifery, Nursing, Engineering, Pharmacist, Forensic Scientist, Microbiologist, Environmental Scientist.
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