Pastoral Team
School life revolves around an excellent pastoral system. Management, teaching staff, parents and pupils all work together in partnership to ensure that each and every pupil develops to his/her full potential. Our aim is to produce well adjusted, content individuals who value education and who give of their best in each lesson.
A Head of Year is responsible for each year group. He/she manages a group of form teachers who look after the welfare of our pupils. Mrs Fionnuala Hartigan is our Pastoral Manager who oversees the strategic direction of pastoral care in the school.
To view our School Pastoral Team, click here.
Attendance, punctuality and the homework diary are monitored on a weekly basis to ensure that high standards are maintained and appropriate intervention taken.
Our Positive Behaviour management system is one that focuses the ethic of hard work and good behaviour. A system of rewards is used to motivate and to celebrate success and endeavour.
Excellent Communication channels exist between home and school. Parents are encouraged to ring the office should they have any concerns. We communicate though letter, text, regular Statements of Results and full Reports. Each year group has a Parent teacher meeting per year. A mentoring programme and a one to one meeting with parents also take place at Key Stage Four to ensure that all pupils work towards their personal best.
Pupils are encouraged to accept responsibility for their learning, to set targets for themselves and to aim high.
A Personal and Social Education Programme is delivered during our registration and form period.
Counselling support is available, by request from parent or pupil. This may be triggered by bereavement, personal issues or medical reasons. Appropriate support will be put in place. For further information about our Counselling facility in school, click here
Our Safeguarding Team is led by Mrs Fionnuala Hartigan (Vice Principal) who is supported by Mrs Roisin Woods (Principal), Mrs Fidelma McKeever (SENCO) and Mr Ryan McCabe. All members of staff have a duty to refer disclosures of abuse/neglect to designated staff. For further information regarding our Safeguarding Team, click here