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We are absolutely delighted with our A level results this morning and are so proud of all of our pupils who have achieved so highly, securing the grades required for their desired courses at university and college; it was a joy to be part of the celebrations this morning and witnessing these young people making initial plans to embark on the next stage of their educational journey.

I want to acknowledge the hard work of teaching and non-teaching staff and the excellent partnership with parents in supporting our pupils in achieving these excellent results. We have a wonderful school community who gather round our young people at crucial times of the year to encourage and assist them to achieve their full potential. I also want to thank the other schools in the Banbridge Area Learning Community who have successfully facilitated a small number of pupils in collaborative courses.

On behalf of the entire Saint Patrick’s College community, I want to again, congratulate our young people this morning and wish them every blessing as they progress onto their chosen career pathway.

Mrs R Woods


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